
Wednesday 19 November 2008

New blog

So, I decided to make another blog. More specifically, a playlog for when I GM RPGs (GameMaster, RolePlaying Games).

Find it at

Monday 10 November 2008

HexCon - a great adventure

Friday morning at eight o'clock I met four friends of mine to go to HexCon, the annual games con in Trondheim. This was my first HexCon, and a grat adventure. As I had planned this trip as a bit of a outreach project, I had said I'd host two rounds of RPG's.

We arrived in Trondheim just before two in the afternoon, met up with a friend and quickly decided food was the way to go, and as we had some time to spare before we went to the con, we found a nice, cheap chinese place with loads of tasty food.

That done, we found a bus, and went further on our way towards the con. On the bus we met two other friends, and many con-participants joined the bus on its way. Arrival at the location of the con and registration taken care of we went to the communal sleeping area (read: the gym hall of the school where the con was held), I quickly grabbed the padded bag as a bed for me and two companions.

First round of gaming entailed me hosting my first of two gaming sessions, a session of the Norwegian RPG Itras By. Among the players was one of the two authors of the game, Ole Peder. It was fun, and I found a lot of tips (as well as received plenty of constructive critique) for a rewrite.

The second session saw me playing an 18th level bard, Elton John, together with a monk, David Beckham (football is a monk weapon), a magician (David Copperfield) and a priest (His holiness, the pope). Together we defeated the evil that was Bill Gates. Elton John got the killing strike, caught on flame and became a flaming homosexual. All this in a rally fun game of D&D 3.5.

After a half a night or so of sleep, session three followed with a session of the amazingly funny game Munchkin RPG. The fourth session saw me playing another game of Itras by, after which the con dinner was held. The night session of the saturday saw me playing the Knight Stannum, of the court of Summer, in my first ever live RPG session.

A fuller nights sleep later saw me hosting my last game, a session of 3:16 - Carnage Among the Stars. After packing, we had some time to while away, and sat down for a game of Duck! Duck! GO!.

The con ended roughly at two, and as our train back to Oslo didn't leave until eleven at night, we went with a lot of other people to the post-con gathering at Trondheim's Egon restaurant. Of course, being gamers, we played some more, whiling away the last hours that remained until our train.

An amazing weekend of gaming, and I met a lot of new people.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Off again

So, tomorrow I'm off, this time to Trondheim for Hexcon. I'll be playing roleplaying games pretty exclusively, which is a new thing for me at a games con. Still, it'll be good.

I'll be going up with five others, taking the train.

Also, I feel quoting "Crimson tide" is warranted:

Go 'Bama, roll tide!